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Near finsbury park

Haringey London Borough - Harringay Ward


Hello, the litter in and around Finsbury Park - and the River Way footpath - is dreadful. <br/>There is no drinking water fountain.<br/>There are, instead, thousands of plastic water bottles. <br/>I do Park Run every week and the only place to find water afterwards is the cafe. <br/>Surely the need for a drinking water fountain is as basic as the need for toilets and lighting? <br/>How much would a fountain cost? <br/>There is an excellent water fountain in Clissold Park. <br/>Should we be fundraising? <br/>What can we do?<br/>Thank you for listening.


14/11/2024 08:42
Visible to public
Parks & Open Spaces - Litter/Hygiene/Graffiti
Closed We have reviewed your report and will not be taking action at this time. We will continue to monitor the issue through our safety inspections and should the issue worsen, then we will consider a course of action.
Yes On 26/11/2024
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Thank you for your report. We will assess your report within two working days and decide how urgently it needs to be dealt with.-finsbury park 14/11/2024 08:42 Thank you for your report. We will assess your report within two working days and decide how urgently it needs to be dealt with.

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